Anybody missed me!? It's been 2 weeks since I updated last time.
No, no, don't blame me. Blame mom who always uses magic excuse of "busy" :(
Well, anyway, this was about a week ago, we had a BBQ party at a riverside.

It's rainy season now in Japan (it begins around the middle of June and lasts about a month) and it's incredibly humid and hot. We, flat noses, cannot go outside during daytime in summer ('cause the heat kills us) but this is the pawfect place for summer.

This place is about an hour North of Kyoto city and rather mountainous area, so the temperature is always much much lower than the city. Also, as it is under the bridge, we can avoid sunlight and rain, we have nice breeze all the time, and even if we get too hot, we can just jump into the river to cool down!
Members are...(Click and enlarge the photo.)
and, me!!

My Dad is a self-proclaimed professional fisherman, and caught all of these fish for everybody!!

We had a great time!!